246 artworks

13 artworks

3 artworks

It's time to give the good old washing machine a new lease on life! As an artist, I'm creating a series of digital art showcasing new and plausible uses for this marvellous machine. These beautiful machines are usually hidden away in laundry cellars or bathrooms, but it's time to bring them out and explore their potential in other settings. While I won't take a position on the realism or societal benefits of these uses, I believe the washing machine deserves to be celebrated for making heavy han

8 artworks

People in general need to use our ability to be and saty happy - more than today. How? Well in this serie i have and will produce Happy artworks with happy stories. Have a peek, maybe it kan help You to achive the great Happy feeling, if - only for a while?!!

5 artworks

I have created my first series collection with the name: "SEARCHING". This is a series of 5 artworks that have the same basic background where a butterfly appears. The series focuses on searching. It starts with female portraits with Roman numerals I, II, III in the collection. These ladies are sisters. The brother who is also a seeker rules in work IV, and his daughter is portrayed in work V. What the various actors are searching for is of course individual. There are many searching people out

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