
FISHING LESSON - Catch and Release
In this idyllic area, fishermen wade day and night to catch the biggest salmon. The salmon tribe holds a council of elders and decides to hire the famous human fisherman Ray Sharkson. This is one of the most feared human fishermen in the ocean's territory. In this artwork, we see Sharkson pulling in fishermen after fishermen. But Ray Sharkson is not as dramatic as the fishermen themselves are. He traps them in a traps, and the fishermen survive. Maybe they will get an aha story? Catch and Release will perhaps be the outcome?

🖼️ Digital Artist:Morten Klementsen, Bergen, Norway
🏆 Recognition: Lurzer's Archive TOP200 Digital Artists 2025
📏 Original Resolution: 15000 x 15000 pixels, 600 dpi
(can be printed up to 2.5 meters wide)
🎨 Based on AI and modified by the artist.

#DigitalArt #FishingLesson #SalmonTribe #HumanVsNature #CatchAndRelease #InnovativeArtistry #LurzersTOP200 #NorwegianArtist


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