
Sir Blaketon is, not unexpectedly, looking for a new butler, asap. The Sir sat in his Chester on the beach to relax a bit before he was going to his grandniece's wedding. The Sir wanted a cigar and a glass of port, but the butler was nowhere to be seen. The sea swelled, and suddenly Sir Blaketon was far from land out on the blue waves. My next butler will be the best butler in the kingdom, he told himself, out there on the choppy waters. luckily the Chester was waterproof, and the Sir had a nice surf trip back onto the beach after a big sudden wave. Sir Blaketon arrived somewhat late for the wedding, as he had to buy new shoes for the occasion. Now he reached out to the newspaper and asked to put in an announcement where an impeccably loyal butler is wanted asap, was the heading.

#artmajour #canvas #prints #wall #office #home #hotel #digitalart #purchase #butler #sir #cigar #portwine #Caricature


Available as prints from €53.09

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